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The assignment

Together with one other student you will form a team to prepare and execute an assignment during the Minor. The biggest share of the assignment will be executed on location in Daejeon, South Korea (50 mins train from the capital Seoul).


Each team is responsible for acquiring their own assignment, commissioned by a company or organization based in The Netherlands. We call this the Commissioning Organization (CO).


The complexity and feasibility of each assignment will be assessed and approved by the university. The fieldwork of the assignments will be executed on location during a four-week visit to the target country of the programme.


If the assignment consists solely of doing research abroad, this will not suffice. The emphasis of the assignment is on building professional relationships on location (hence the title of the minor!). However, (market) research is certainly part of the advisory report that you will need to hand in at the end of the minor. But keep in mind that all research that does not require a visit to the target country can only be used as supporting material and is not the essence of your assignment.


The mission is scheduled to begin during the fourth month of each semester (May or November). On return from the mission you will submit your report and prepare a debrief at the Commissioning Organization. All teams will present their research results at the Commissioning Organization (on location, in their office) in the final month (June or January).




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