June 2019 Impression
“To go to China was one of the best decisions in my teaching career up till now. To see a University in such a different culture, teach Chinese students and hear from Chinese experts was an unforgettable experience.
Next to this, there was time to build a relationship with your colleagues which will have a clear benefit for our University: better and more complete teachers! Hopefully this program will be continued in the future for the benefit of our institute.” - MdG
‘For me the China mini minor for lecturer was an amazing experience both on a personal and a professional level. What stood out for me was the contact with the Chinese people. I enjoyed very much the networking with the Chinese, which already started at home. In general, I have found that Chinese like to make contact, are easy to approach and willing to meet and help you out. This way I have been able to meet and arrange two visits at 2 different Chinese universities and set up meetings with 2 business professionals working in the field of career and talent development. I have learned more about how Chinese deal with employability and ’soft’ skills and how they approach developing leadership-skillls.
Our group of FBE-colleagues was very diverse and I enjoyed the supportive and positive vibe. The whole trip was very well organised and coordinated by Claudio Perotti, with the support of the Chinese student-buddies, who did an excellent job. Next to our personal assignment we could enjoy lectures by Chinese business experts, many cultural highlights and enjoy very nice food.
All-in-all the whole experience gave me many insights about modern China, which I can share with my students and colleagues. I think China’s role in the world will grow even more over the next decennia. The Chinese way of dealing with technology, privacy, power and organisation will become more influential and we need to prepare our international business students for this.
Thank you for offering me this chance!’ - SE
Thank you for providing me and the China Mini Minor lecturers with the opportunity of a lifetime. I do not have the proper words, yet, to describe what an impact it has made. What I do know, however, is that I feel like I have a new family of support, inspiration, guidance, dreams, goals, and happiness.
The 15 of us lecturers stepped into students' shoes, practiced what we preach to them, opened our eyes to each other, the world, and ourselves. My life, my teaching, and future will be forever impacted by it.
Thanks to each and every one of you for helping to enrich our lives and careers. - LW
After the mission, Ernst de Roos published an article on LinkedIn about his observations about New Retail strategies in China. You Can read his article here.